letting go again
i wonder why do i keep on getting post/ qoutes about letting go? does this mean something?? am i suppose to really let go...
just read the post that i got from my friendster account...
Imagine this. In ur hand is a very preciouscreation, so fragile, so valuable that if u keepon holding, it wud either stay or fall apart. But uloved this creature so much, so much that letting itgo wud b like letting go of ur life as well. Somuch that sometimes u wished it wud b there4ever. So much that u tend to b SELFISH at timesso as u could make it stay for as long as u like.Don't we all wish something "so good" cud b4ever? Don't we all hope that happiness is thereto stay? There comes a time in our lives when wechance upon some1 "so nice"& "almost perfect" & we jz find ourselvesgetting so intensely attracted to that person(sometimes w/o even realizing it).This feeling soon becomes a part of our evrydaylives & eventually guzzles our thoughts & actionsto the extent that we tagged it as one of those "toogood to be true" things. The sad part there iswhen we begin to realize that,thisparticular person feels totally nothing butfriendship. A "thing" that wud b 4ever a "thing"nothing more, nothing less... jz a thing! You'rejz a friend, & that's d fact! Then in our desperateattempt to get closer (or at least benoticed),our efforts are still futile & we end upsorry 4 ourselves. One person said, never ever letur heart run ur life, as much as u can, alwys bsensible & let ur mind speak for itself. Try to listennot merely on what ur feelings' invoking on u as aperson but more importantly listen to reason aswell.Letting go of some1 doesn't necessarilymean u have to stop loving,it only means that uallow that person to find his/her own happinessw/o expectin him/her to come back. Letting gois not just setting the other person free (in thereal sense of it), but it is also setting urself freefrom all animosity, revulsion,& resentment thatwas long kept in ur heart. You have to let go bcosd bitterness often puts away the strengths andweakens d littlest hope, making our lives moremiserable than ever. Worst, presenting urselfas the "most affected one" sets the nastiestimpression of all time--whatta a loser! Thetrick there is...alwys remember that if u losesome1 today, it means that some1 better iscoming tomorrow. If u lose love that doesn't meanthat u failed in love...right? Jz regard it as anothermismatch of heaven! Well, u can cry of course,or whine or shout(growl even) if u have to, butmake sure that after those outbursts u havewashed away the hurt and the bitterness that thepast has left with u (easy said than done I know!).We can all survive with jz beautiful memories ofthe past but real peace & happiness come onlywith open acceptance of what reality is today.You really don't have to forget someone u love('cause it's hard). What we need to learn is how toaccept the verdict ofreality without being bitter orsorry for what we have become. I think it's betterthat we give off that dedication and love tosomeone more deserving. Hmmm..."Who could itbe?" is the next interesting question to ponder...Let go of yesterday & love will find its way back tou. And when it does, pray hard that it may b d lovethat will stay & last a lifetime...Back
***silly... and here is my horoscope for the day... ***
wonderful new day is dawning. Love, travel and wisdom are all going well for now. LET GO of what's holding you back.
*sigh* i wish life is easy...just when i really decided to let go, new things reminds and binds me closer to the person to the person i wanna let go...
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